Spring Crafternoon

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Spring has sprung! Celebrate the return of the light by creating a botanical luminary that will keep your space bright and cheery even during an April shower! Grab a friend, a date, or come ready to meet fellow crafters at this adults-only event. All materials (and a light snack!) will be provided during this naturalist-led craft. Program meets at the Horine Conference Center. Ages: 16+ A parent/legal guardian must accompany anyone under the age of 18. Pre-Registration required. Register online or by calling 502-368-5404. Fee: $10/person

Map and Compass

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Map and landscape reading are skills every outdoor person should possess. Equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to read and interpret topographic maps and locate destinations while using a compass. These in-field exercises are a hands-on learning experience. Program meets in the Horine Reservation main parking lot. Ages: 8 and up. A parent/legal guardian must accompany anyone under the age of 18. Pre-Registration required. Register online or by calling 502-368-5404. Fee: $5/person

Owl Prowl

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Will owls respond if they’re called? Whooooo knows! Join Natural Areas staff for an owl prowl that will begin indoors with a presentation about these amazing nocturnal predators, their habitats, and behaviors. The evening continues with a hike along well-traveled paths as we call out for these elusive birds. Test your auditory skills by listening for their responses. Dress for the weather and choose clothing that doesn’t make noise when you move. You may bring a flashlight or headlamp, however, it MUST be a red light to protect every­one’s night vision. Program will meet in the Horine Reservation at the Horine Conference Center. 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd. on Google Maps. Park in the large gravel lot and walk down the drive to the conference center. FEE: $10/person For ages 10 and older (must be able to stand quietly for several minutes at a time.) A parent/ legal guardian must accompany anyone under the age of 18. Preregistration required. Register online or by calling 502/368-5404

Dusk Tree Hike (Tree Week Event)

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Come explore the Horine Reservation trees at Jefferson Memorial Forest on a dusk hike with volunteer Brian Whitehouse. Participants will get a chance to learn more about the crepuscular creatures that utilize trees as their home in the forest! Hike will be no more than 1.5 miles and on easy terrain. Pre-Registration required. Register online or by calling 502-368-5404. FREE Program meets at the Horine Reservation Parking Lot. 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd., Fairdale KY 40118

Map and Compass

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Map and landscape reading are skills every outdoor person should possess. Equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to read and interpret topographic maps and locate destinations while using a compass. These in-field exercises are a hands-on learning experience. Program meets in the Horine Reservation main parking lot. Ages: 8 and up. A parent/legal guardian must accompany anyone under the age of 18. Pre-Registration required. Register online or by calling 502-368-5404. Fee: $5/person

Map and Compass

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Map and landscape reading are skills every outdoor person should possess. Equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to read and interpret topographic maps and locate destinations while using a compass. These in-field exercises are a hands-on learning experience. Program meets in the Horine Reservation main parking lot. Ages: 8 and up. A parent/legal guardian must accompany anyone under the age of 18. Pre-Registration required. Register online or by calling 502-368-5404. Fee: $5/person

Forest Fest

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Join us for our 15th annual Forest Fest. This will be a fun-filled day of Bluegrass music, arts & crafts, family activities, and food booths. This event is sponsored by Metro Council and free to the public. Follow the @Forestfest Facebook page for the line up and more information. All Ages Welcome. Family Friendly. Free and open to the public. Parking fee: $15/vehicle (*cash only*)

Map and Compass

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Map and landscape reading are skills every outdoor person should possess. Equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to read and interpret topographic maps and locate destinations while using a compass. These in-field exercises are a hands-on learning experience. Program meets in the Horine Reservation main parking lot. Ages: 8 and up. A parent/legal guardian must accompany anyone under the age of 18. Pre-Registration required. Register online or by calling 502-368-5404. Fee: $5/person

Tree ID Hike

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

If you’ve ever had interest in doing tree identification, but never felt like you had the opportunity, then now’s your chance! Targeted toward beginner tree IDers, but all ages and levels of arboreal wisdom are welcome! This program will be focused on how to identify trees during the winter months when leaves and flowers are not present. Program will meet in the Horine Reservation in the large parking lot. 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd. on Google Maps. Preregistration required. Register online or by calling 502- 368-5404. FEE: $5/person

Winter Hike in the Woods

Horine Conference Center 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd, Louisville, KY, United States

Are you going stir crazy like us?! Winter is the best time for hiking. Winter hiking means no bugs, no humidity, and better views! Hiking in colder temperatures even burns more calories! What’s not to love?! Join JMF staff for a hike on the 3.5 mile Red Trail Shortcut loop. This loop is an easy to moderate hike. The beginning and end offer easy walking along the ridge tops. The middle section includes a trip down from the ridge into a creek bed and back up to the next ridge. There is 330 ft. of elevation change. Come on out for a fun morning of exercise and some learning about the winter woods. Dress in layers and bring a water bottle. Program will meet in the Horine Reservation in the large gravel lot. 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd. on Google Maps.


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